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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-13 05:08:21  浏览:9679   来源:法律资料网
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                              市长 洪永世

  第一条 为控制和减少磷对厦门海域和其他地表水的污染,保护海域和其他水环境,制定本规定。

  第二条 在本市辖区内销售、使用的洗涤剂必须是无磷洗涤剂,禁止销售、使用含磷洗涤剂。

  第三条 本规定所称无磷洗涤剂是指总磷酸盐含量符合国家有关控制标准及规定的洗涤用品,包括无磷洗衣粉、无磷皂粉、无磷洗衣膏以及其他无磷洗涤辅料等。

  第四条 市环境保护行政主管部门对本市的磷污染防治工作实施统一监督管理。

  第五条 本市销售的无磷洗涤剂,销售者必须在产品或包装的显著位置标注无磷标识,但产品出厂时已标有无磷标识的除外。

  第六条 任何单位和个人有权对违反本规定的行为进行举报或投诉。

  第七条 违反本规定,销售含磷洗涤剂、在含磷洗涤剂产品或其包装上标注无磷标识的,由市技术监督部门或工商行政管理部门依据《厦门市产品质量监督管理条例》等有关法规的规定进行处罚。

  第八条 违反本规定,单位使用含磷洗涤剂的,由市环境保护行政主管部门限期改正,逾期不改正的,给予警告,并可处以200元以上1000元以下罚款。

  第九条 本规定自2000年2月1日起施行。

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第一条 根据《中华人民共和国国务院关于管理外国企业常驻代表机构的暂行规定》,为规范对外资金融机构在中国常驻代表机构(以下简称“常驻代表机构”)的管理,制定本办法。
第二条 本办法所称外资金融机构系指外国资本的银行、证券公司、投资公司、保险公司、财务公司、信用卡公司、金融性租赁公司。
第三条 常驻代表机构是其总管理机构的派出机构,称为“×××代表处”。代表处的主要负责人称首席代表,其他人员称代表、顾问、助理、秘书。
第四条 中国人民银行是常驻代表机构的审批、管理机关。外资金融机构可按本办法向中国人民银行申请在中国境内开放城市设立常驻代表机构。
第五条 外资金融机构申请在中国境内开放城市设立常驻代表机构,须向中国人民银行提交下列申请材料:
第六条 中国人民银行收到外资金融机构的申请材料后,在三个月内确认是否接受其申请,若接受其申请,则发给《外资金融机构在中国设立常驻代表机构申请表》;超过三个月未得到中国人民银行确认的,申请自行失效。
第七条 获准在中国设立常驻代表机构的外资金融机构,须按照中国有关规定,持中国人民银行颁发的批准证书到常驻代表机构所在地的工商行政管理部门和公安部门办理登记手续和工作人员及其家属的居留手续,并到当地的国家专业银行开立帐户和税务部门办理税务登记手续。
第八条 常驻代表机构的工作范围是:咨询、联络、市场调查等非营利性工作。常驻代表机构在工作中,不得为其总部或分支机构(包括设在中国境内的分支机构)办理经营性业务。
第九条 常驻代表机构更换首席代表,须向中国人民银行总行提交其总管理机构董事长或总经理签署的申请书和对新任首席代表的授权书及新任首席代表的简历,由中国人民银行总行批准。
第十条 常驻代表机构雇用中国外事服务单位推荐的中国境内公民担任顾问、秘书、翻译和一般工作人员,须将被雇用中国公民的名单和简历报中国人民银行总行或当地分行备案,未履行备案手续者,不得从事常驻代表机构的工作。
第十一条 常驻代表机构变更名称,须向中国人民银行提交由其总管理机构董事长或总经理签署的申请函,经中国人民银行总行批准后,持批准证书到当地工商行政管理部门办理变更登记手续。
第十二条 常驻代表机构迁移办公地址,须向中国人民银行提交由常驻代表机构负责人签署的申请函,经中国人民银行批准后,持批准证书到当地工商行政管理部门办理变更登记手续。
第十三条 常驻代表机构的首席代表需常驻中国主持日常工作。首席代表离开中国一个月以上或因故不能常驻中国主持日常工作,应事先指定专人代行其职责,并将此项指定文件寄送中国人民银行总行或当地中国人民银行分行备案。
第十四条 常驻代表机构须于每年二月底前向中国人民银行报送上一年度的工作报告。该报告须按中国人民银行规定的报表格式用中文填写,其内容须真实地反映常驻代表机构在中国的工作情况。
第十五条 外资金融机构撤销常驻代表机构,须提前向中国人民银行提交由其总管理机构出具的申请书,经中国人民银行总行批准后,到有关部门办理注销手续。常驻代表机构的一切未了事宜,由其总管理机构承担责任。
第十六条 中国人民银行总行负责对设在北京的常驻代表机构进行监督、检查和管理,对设在北京以外城市的常驻代表机构,中国人民银行总行授权当地中国人民银行分行对其进行监督、检查和管理。
第十七条 常驻代表机构必须遵守中国的法律、法规和本办法。对违反本办法的常驻代表机构,中国人民银行总行和当地分行有权对其进行处理。
第十八条 本办法适用于对在香港、澳门、台湾地区注册的金融机构设立常驻代表机构的管理。
第十九条 本办法自公布之日起施行。中国人民银行一九八三年二月颁布的《中国人民银行关于侨资外资金融机构在中国设立常驻代表机构的管理办法》同时废止。

Measures of the People's Bank of China on Control of the Estab-lishment of Resident Representative Offices in China by Foreign BankingInstitutions

(Promulgated for Implementation on June 11, 1991, unvaldated onApril 29, 1996)

Whole Doc.

Article 1
These Measures are formulated for the purpose of regulating the
control of resident representative offices in China of foreign banking
institutions (hereinafter referred to as resident representative offices),
in accordance with the Interim Provisions of the State Council of the
People's Republic of China for the Control of Resident Representative
Offices of Foreign Enterprises.
Article 2
Foreign banking institutions mentioned in these Measures refer to
foreign capital banks, securities companies, investment companies,
insurance companies, financial companies, credit card companies and
financial leasing companies.
Article 3
A resident representative office is an agency of its head office,
called the "such-and-such Representative Office". Its principal member in
charge is called chief representative and other members are called
representatives, advisers, assistants or secretaries.
Article 4
The People's Bank of China (PBC) is the agency in charge of matters
of examination and approval and of control in connection with resident
representative offices. Foreign banking institutions can apply to PBC for
establishment of resident representative offices in the open cities of
China in accordance with these Measures.

Article 5
A foreign banking institution which applies for establishment of a
resident representative office in China's open cities must submit to PBC
the following documents and materials for the application:
(1) written application signed by chairman of the board of directors
or president of the head office of the applying institution and addressed
to the President of the People's Bank of China;
(2) a copy (or photocopy) of the license to do business or of the
business registration certificate issued by the pertinent authorities of
the country or region where the applicant institution is located;
(3) the articles of association of the applying institution's head
office and list of members of its board of directors or other similar
(4) annual reports of the applying institution of the last 3 years;
(5) other documents and materials as PBC may require.
Except for the foregoing item (4), all documents and materials listed
in the above paragraphs originally written in foreign languages must have
their Chinese translations attached.
A foreign banking institution applying to set up a resident
representative office in Beijing must submit its application documents and
materials to the Head Office of PBC while an application for the
establishment of such an office in other cities shall be submitted to the
local branches of PBC which, after examination of the applicant's paper,
shall report to the PBC Head Office.
Article 6
PBC, within 3 months of receiving the application papers from a
foreign banking institution, shall decide whether to accept its
application or not. If an application is accepted, the applicant shall be
issued a "Form of Application for Establishing Resident Representative
Office in China". If no confirmation has been received from PBC after the
three-months period, the application is deemed automatically invalidated.
A foreign banking institution must, within 2 months of receiving the
"Form of Application for Establishing Resident Representative Offices in
China" from PBC, submit to its Head Office for examination and approval
the filled out Form, together with the certificate of authority signed by
the applicant's chairman of the board of directors or president for the
chief representative of the resident representative office and the
personal resumes of the chief and other representatives.
The Head Office of PBC, after approving the establishment in China of
a resident representative office of a foreign banking institution, shall
issue a certificate of approval to the applicant.

Article 7
Having obtained permission to set up a resident representative office
in China, the foreign banking institution must, in conformity with
relevant regulations of the country, go to the industrial and commercial
administrative office and public security office of the locality of the
resident representative office to present the certificate of approval
issued by PBC and perform the procedures of business registration and
residence registration for its staff members and their relatives. It shall
also open a bank account with a local state specialized bank and perform
tax registration procedures at the local tax office.
Article 8
The work of a resident representative office falls within the scope
of non-profit activities such as consultation, liaison and market
investigation. In its performance of duties, the resident representative
office is not allowed to engage in business operations on behalf of its
home institution's head office or agencies, including those in China.
Article 9
For a change of the chief representative of the resident
representative office, it must present to the Head Office of PBC a letter
requesting approval of the change signed by the chairman of its board of
directors or president and the documents authorizing the appointment of a
new chief representative and giving a resume of his biography. The change
has to be approved by the PBC Head Office.
For and addition to or a change in the representatives, assistants
and employees of foreign nationalities or from Hong Kong and Macao in the
Beijing based resident representative office, it must present to the Head
Office of PBC a letter requesting approval of such personnel changes
signed by the officer in charge of the pertinent department of its head
office and personal resumes of the newly appointed personnel, the
personnel changes have to be approved by the PBC Head Office.
For similar personnel changes in resident representative offices in
other cities than Beijing, the offices concerned must present the same
kinds of documents as in the case of Beijing based office to the local
branches of PBC, which shall approve the requested personnel changes and
report them to the PBC Head Office for record.
Article 10
For employment of Chinese citizens inside the country to work as
advisers, secretaries, translators or ordinary workers at the
recommendation of Chinese foreign affairs service units, the resident
representative office must report to the Head Office or local branches of
PBC the name list of the employed Chinese citizens and their resumes for
record. Those whose employment is not reported for the record are not
allowed to work for the resident representative office.

Article 11
For a change of its name, the resident representative office must
present to PBC a letter requesting approval of the change signed by the
chairman of the board of directors or president of its head office. On
obtaining approval by the Head Office of PBC, the resident representative
office shall present the certificate of approval to the local industrial
and commercial administrative office and perform the formalities for a
change in the registration.
Article 12
For a change of office location, the resident representative office
shall present to PBC a letter requesting approval signed by its officer in
charge. On obtaining approval by PBC, the resident representative office
shall present the certificate of approval to the local industrial and
commercial administrative office and perform for formalities for a change
in the registration.
For a change of office location, the resident representative office
based in Beijing shall report to the Head Office of PBC for approval while
resident representative offices located in other cities shall report to
the local branches of PBC for approval.
Article 13
The chief representative of a resident representative office should
reside in China to take charge of its routine work. If the chief
representative leaves China for more than 1 month or if he is unable to
regularly stay in China to take charge of its routine work, he should
appoint in advance a special person to act for him and send the letter of
appointment to the Head Office of PBC or a local branch of PBC for record.
Article 14
Resident representative offices shall, before the end of February
each year, present to PBC reports of their work in the previous year. The
reports must be made in Chinese in the forms specified by PBC, and truly
reflect the offices' work in China.
The resident representative office in Beijing should send its report
to the Head Office of PBC while the resident representative offices in
other cities should send their reports to the local branches of PBC which
will forward the reports to their Head Office.
Article 15
If a foreign banking institution decides to withdraw its resident
representative office in China, it must present in advance a letter
requesting approval signed by its head office to PBC. With approval from
the Head Office of PBC, it shall proceed with the cancellation of
registration at the relevant office. It's head office shall bear
responsibility for any unsettled matters the resident representative
office involved in.

Article 16
The Head Office of the PBC is responsible for the supervision,
inspection and regulation of the resident representative office stationed
in Beijing while it authorizes its branches to exercise supervision,
inspection and regulation of the local resident representative offices in
other cities.
Article 17
The resident representative offices must abide by Chinese laws and
regulations and these Measures. If a resident representative o ffice
violates these Measures, the Head Office of PBC and its local branches
have the right to take up the matter with the resident representative
office involved in.
Article 18
These Measures are applicable to the banking institutions registered
in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan for their establishment of resident
representative offices.
Article 19
These Measures shall go into effect on the day they are promulgated.
At the same time, the Measures of the People's Bank of China for Controls
Relating to Establishing Resident Representative Office in China by
Overseas Chinese and Foreign Banking Institutions promulgated in February,
1983 are annulled.






目 录

第一章 总 则
第二章 会议的召开
第三章 议案的提出和审议
第四章 听取和审议工作报告
第五章 质 询
第六章 发言和表决
第七章 附 则

第一章 总 则
第一条 为了提高议事效率,依法行使职权,根据宪法、地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法的有关规定,结合上海市人民代表大会常务委员会(以下简称常务委员会)工作的实践经验,制定本规则。
第二条 常务委员会审议议案、决定问题,应当充分发扬民主,实行民主集中制的原则,集体行使宪法和法律赋予的职权。

第二章 会议的召开
第三条 常务委员会会议每两个月至少举行一次。
第四条 常务委员会举行会议的日期由主任会议决定;会议议程草案由主任会议拟订,提请常务委员会全体会议决定。

第五条 常务委员会举行会议,应当在会议举行七天以前,将开会日期、建议会议讨论的主要事项,通知常务委员会组成人员,并将会议的主要文件同时送达。
第六条 常务委员会举行会议的时候,常务委员会组成人员应当出席会议。因病或者其他特殊原因不能出席的,必须请假。
第七条 常务委员会会议必须有常务委员会组成人员的过半数参加,才能举行。
第八条 常务委员会举行会议的时候,下列人员列席会议:
第九条 列席常务委员会会议的人员有发言权,没有表决权。
第十条 常务委员会举行会议的时候,经主任会议同意,可以邀请社会有关方面人士旁听会议。
第十一条 常务委员会举行会议的时候,以全体会议的形式听取、审议议案和工作报告。根据需要,可以召开分组会议,也可以召开联组会议。
第十二条 常务委员会会议审议议案或者工作报告的时候,常务委员会组成人员可以向有关地方国家机关提出询问,有关机关的负责人应当到会听取意见,回答询问;分组会议审议时,有关机关应当派人到会,听取意见,回答询问。

第三章 议案的提出和审议
第十三条 市人民代表大会主席团交付常务委员会审议的议案,由主任会议提请常务委员会会议审议。
第十四条 主任会议可以向常务委员会提出属于常务委员会职权范围内的议案,由常务委员会会议审议。
第十五条 常务委员会的工作机构受主任会议委托,可以代拟议案草案,并向常务委员会全体会议作说明。
第十六条 向常务委员会提出议案,必须用书面形式,写明议题、理由和具体方案。
第十七条 对列入常务委员会会议议程的议案,提议案机关的负责人或者提议案人应当向常务委员会全体会议作说明。

第十八条 对地方性法规议案的审议,按常务委员会关于制定地方性法规程序的若干规定进行。
第十九条 提议案机关的负责人或者提议案人可以在常务委员会会议上对议案作补充说明。
第二十条 常务委员会会议审议议案时,提议案的机关、专门委员会或者常务委员会组成人员五人以上联名,可以提出对议案的修正案。
第二十一条 列入常务委员会会议议程需要表决的议案,在审议中如认为有重大问题需要进一步研究的,经主任或者主任会议提出,出席会议的常务委员会组成人员过半数同意,可以暂不付表决,交有关专门委员会进一步研究,提出意见。
第二十二条 列入常务委员会会议议程的议案,在交付表决前,提议案人要求撤回的,经主任会议同意,对该议案的审议即行终止。
第二十三条 在常务委员会举行会议的时候,市人民政府、市高级人民法院、市人民检察院、市人民代表大会各专门委员会,或者常务委员会组成人员五人以上联名,对急需提请常务委员会会议审议的重大事项,可以向常务委员会提出临时动议,经主任会议研究,出席会议的常务委员
第二十四条 常务委员会认为必要的时候,可以组织关于特定问题的调查委员会,并根据调查委员会的报告,作出相应的决议。

第四章 听取和审议工作报告
第二十五条 市人民政府及其所属委、办、局,市高级人民法院,市人民检察院向常务委员会全体会议报告工作,应由本机关负责人到会作报告。报告的书面材料一般应在常务委员会会议举行十五日以前送常务委员会办公厅。
第二十六条 常务委员会组成人员在审议议案或者工作报告时提出的重要意见、批评和建议,常务委员会办公厅应以书面形式转交有关机关或者部门研究处理。有关机关或者部门一般应在两个月内将处理情况报告常务委员会或者有关的专门委员会。
第二十七条 常务委员会认为必要的时候,可以对工作报告作出决议。

第五章 质 询
第二十八条 在常务委员会会议期间,常务委员会组成人员五人以上联名,可以向常务委员会书面提出对市人民政府及其所属各工作部门、市高级人民法院和市中级人民法院、市人民检察院和市人民检察院分院的质询案。
第二十九条 质询案应当写明质询对象、质询的问题和内容。
第三十条 质询案由主任会议决定交受质询机关的负责人在常务委员会会议上或者有关的专门委员会会议上口头答复,或者交受质询机关书面答复。
第三十一条 在专门委员会会议上口头答复的,提质询案的常务委员会组成人员可以出席会议,发表意见;有关的专门委员会应当向常务委员会或者主任会议提出质询情况的报告。
第三十二条 提质询案的常务委员会组成人员对受质询机关的答复不满意的,可以继续提出质询并要求再作答复。必要时,可以由常务委员会依法作出决议或者决定。

第六章 发言和表决
第三十三条 常务委员会组成人员和列席会议的人员在全体会议上的发言,应当围绕会议审议的议题,第一次发言不超过十五分钟,第二次对同一问题的发言不超过十分钟。事先提出要求,经会议主持人同意的,可以延长发言时间,但最多不得再超过十分钟。
第三十四条 在常务委员会表决议案的全体会议上,常务委员会组成人员如果对议案还有意见,经会议主持人同意可以发表,意见发表后,再将议案交付表决;如果同意该议案,但需要在文字上作个别修改,经出席会议的常务委员会组成人员过半数同意,可将该议案交付表决,文字的
第三十五条 常务委员会会议表决议案由常务委员会全体组成人员的过半数通过。
第三十六条 交付表决的议案,有修正案的,先表决修正案。
第三十七条 常务委员会会议表决议案,采用无记名投票方式、举手方式或者其他方式。
第三十八条 常务委员会组成人员在常务委员会会议上的发言和表决,全国人民代表大会代表和市人民代表大会代表在常务委员会会议上的发言,不受法律追究。

第七章 附 则
第三十九条 常务委员会会议上的发言,应记录存档。
第四十条 本规则的解释权和修改权属于常务委员会,执行中的问题,由主任会议进行解释。
第四十一条 本规则自通过之日起施行。

